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How to Fulfill Your Assignment

There are three very easy ways to fulfill your exchange assignment once you receive it.


These instructions only deal with fulfilling your assigned request for the exchange. If you're looking for how to give a treat, please see Treats & Treatless FAQs: How do I give a Treat?

From New Work

  1. Once you're signed in to AO3, click on Post -> New Work.
  2. Complete the New Work information as normal: Title, etc, etc.
  3. In the Associations section above the normal Post to Collection box, you'll see a new section for "Does this fulfill a challenge assignment" and next to that a box with check options for which exchange assignment you're fulfilling. Check the box for the assignment you want to fulfill, and continue posting as normal!

Associations: click to enlarge


Both of these methods below require you to select a Fulfill button which is incredibly close to a Default button. Please be careful to select the correct button. If you accidentally default, please email the mods immediately!

From Your Dashboard

  1. Once you're signed in to AO3, click on My Dashboard.
  2. On the left sidebar scroll down until you see Assignments and click the link. The number in the parenthesis will depend on how many exchanges you've participated in and assignments you've received.
Assignments Link

Assignments Link: click to enlarge

  1. Find your assignment for Arlathan eXchange and click the Fulfill button on the right hand side of the screen.
FulFill Button

Fulfill Button: click to enlarge

  1. This will automatically start a new work which will fulfill your assignment!

From the Exchange Page

  1. Once you're signed in to AO3, make your way to this year's AO3 profile for the exchange.
  2. On the left sidebar scroll down until you see My Assignment and click the link.
My Assignment Link

My Assignment Link: click to enlarge

  1. You'll see your recipient's requests, and on the right hand side a button to Default and Fulfill. Click the Fulfill button.
FulFill Button

Fulfill Button: click to enlarge

  1. This will automatically start a new work which will fulfill your assignment!


Help! I accidentally defaulted.

Please contact a moderator immediately via email or our exchange Discord.

I need to edit and I can't find my work.

Your works for exchanges can be found before reveals in a couple of ways:

  • From My Dashboard on the left-hand sidebar click on Statistics.
  • From My Works on the top right click the Works in Collections button.
  • From My Dashboard go to Assignments on the left-hand sidebar and then click on the title for your assignment for this exchange.

How do I post images or other media?

If you're an artist or have created an alternative fanwork (vid, podfic, etc), you may be curious how to post those to AO3. In short, AO3 does not host non-text media, but does allow it to be posted.

You can find a simple to follow tutorial on posting images on Mod Enigmalea's website.

You can also find information on media hosts on Tutorials: AO3 & Non-Fanfic Works