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✨ Meet the Mods ✨

· One min read

Introducing the final new mod rounding out the Arlathan eXchange team!

☆ Mod Intro

  • Name: DirThenera, or Thenera. Dir is ok too.
  • Pronouns: she/her

I discovered Dragon Age in 2018 during a difficult time of my life, and quickly became obsessed, especially with all things Elvhen. Soon just the game wasn't enough for me and I dusted off my rusty drawing skills and rustier writing skills.

Mostly obsessed with Solas, I've written a couple hundred thousand words of fic, mostly bittersweet with some snark. I love deep lore dives and angst and character explorations.

As a painter, I love complex colors and unusual lighting, and seeing if I can capture the essence of the character. I hate doing backgrounds, but it's a skill I've been working on. Portraits are my favorite.

I can't wait for Dreadwolf, and I'm excited to celebrate elves with all of you in the meantime!

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